The timeline of the escape identifies 38 people who assisted Charles in the course of his six weeks on the run. Despite the carrot of a huge reward for anyone dobbing Charles in and the stick of likely execution for anyone found to help him escape, no-one informed on him or on the other plotters. It was a remarkable display of solidarity.
Name of person | Picture | Who they were | Part played | |
1 | Lord Henry Wilmot | ![]() | 1st Earl of Rochester, an English Cavalier and close associate of Charles who fought for the Royalist cause as a Lieuitenant General. | Wilmot was Charles' main ally through the escape, making plans and accompanying him on most journeys. Bold to the point of reckless, he disdained disguise and declined to travel on foot. He ultimately escaped to France with Charles. |
2 | Robert Swan | Manservant to Lord Wilmot | Supported Charles throouput the escape, sometimes with Wilmot, sometimes separately. The unsung hero of the adventure. | |
3 | Lord Derby | ![]() | An English nobleman, politician, and supporter of the Royalist cause in the English Civil War. | He was with Charles at the Battle of Worcester, after which on 3 September 1651 he accompanied him to Boscobel House. Later executed by Cromwell for treason. |
4 | Charles Giffard (pronounced Jiffard) | A Royalist Captain who was a member of an important recusant family whose members owned Boscobel House and White Ladies Priory. | Giffard made available both Boscobel House and White Ladies Priory for hiding Charles. In so doing, he committed him to the care of the Catholic underground for the early dramatic days of the escape. | |
5 | Francis Yates I | Servant to Charles Giffard | Acted as guide between Worcester and Boscobel. Later became the only person executed for refusing to give information about the escape. | |
6 | John Penderel | Woodsman at White Ladies | Accompanied Wilmot as he rode in the district around Boscobel, seeking opportunities to facilitate Charles' escape. Travelled with him to Moseley Old Hall and later to Bentley Hall. | |
7 | George Penderel | ![]() | Servant at White Ladies | First to greet Charles' party at White Ladies. Assisted in preparing his disguise and supported Charles during his day hiding in Spring Coppice. |
8 | Richard Penderel | ![]() | Tenant at Hubbal Grange. Known as Trusty Dick. | Accompanied Charles on his abortive trip to try to cross the Severn. Provided a meal at his own house, Hubnall Grange. |
9 | William Penderel | ![]() | Caretaker at Boscobel | Hosted Charles for his Boscobel stay. |
10 | Jane Penderel | Wife of William, caretaker at Boscobel | Hosted Charles for his Boscobel stay. | |
11 | Humphrey Penderel | ![]() | Miller at White Ladies. | Met with Charles at White Ladies, provided much of the clothing for his disguise; obtained information about movements of Cromwell's troops; provided the mill-horse for most of Charles' trip to Moseley Old Hall. |
12 | Francis Yates II | Brother-in-law to the Penderills. Almost certainly, a different person to the servant to Charles Giffard (5 above). | Accompanied Charles on his trip to Moseley Old Hall. | |
13 | Francis Wolfe | A recusant who had a large house at Madeley, near the River Severn | Provided his barn for Charles to hide in when it proved impossible to cross the Severn. | |
14 | Richard Everel | Servant to Francis Wolfe | Scouted the River Severn and ascertained that it was guarded. | |
15 | William Careless | ![]() | Colonel William Careless (c1610-1689) (surname variants include Carelesse, Carless, Carles and Carlis) was a Royalist officer who fought with Charles. | The companion of King Charles when he hid in the Royal Oak. His surname was changed to Carlos, the Spanish for Charles, by order of Charles when he was King. |
16 | Thomas Whitgreave | ![]() | Husband of Elizabeth Whitgrave, owner of Moseley Old Hall. He was also a member of Parliament for Staffordshire for the First, Second and Third Protectorate Parliaments and a recusant. | Hid Charles at Mosley Old Hall for the two nights after he left Boscobel. |
17 | Father John Huddleston | ![]() | An English Roman Catholic priest, and a monk of the Order of St. Benedict. For a time Chaplain to the Whitgrave family at Moseley Old Hall. | Provided spiritual guidance and bathed Charles' feet. Also received Charles into the Catholic Church on his deathbed. |
18 | John Lane | ![]() | Colonel in the Royalist army, Brother of Jane Lane. Member of Parliament for Lichfield, Staffordshire from 1661 to 1667 and owner of Bentley Hall. | Hid Charles for one night at Bentley Hall. |
19 | Jane Lane | ![]() | Sister of Colonel John Lane. | Accompanied Charles to Old Leigh Court, and onwards to Trent Manor, riding pillion for most of the way. Formed close friendship with Charles, later spending time with him during his exile. Their relationship has been the cause of much speculation. |
20 | John Lascelles | Cousin of Colonel John Lane. | Also part of the party to Old Leigh Court and Trent Manor. | |
21 | John Pope | Butler at Old Leigh Court, who served in the Royalist Army during the Civil War. | Recognised Charles and then helped him checking boats from Bristol and finding that a passage would not be possible. | |
22 | Sir Francis Wyndham | ![]() | An English soldier and politician who sat in the House of Commons of England at various times from 1640 until his death in 1676. During the First English Civil War, he served as a colonel in the Royalist army. | Gave Charles refuge at Trent Manor for a total of 17 Nights. |
23 | Anne Wyndham | Wife of Francis and daughter and heir of Thomas Gerard (1593-1634), earlier owner of Trent Manor. | Gave Charles refuge at Trent Manor for a total of 17 Nights. Wrote a famous account of Charles' stay at Trent. | |
24 | Captain Ellisdon | Friend of Francis Wyndham. | Arranged for Stephen Limbry to take Charles to France. | |
25 | Stephen Limbry | Tennant of Captain Ellidon and ship owner. | Agreed to take Charles to France but the plans fell through for uncertain reasons. | |
26 | Juliana Coningsby | Niece of Francis Wyndham. | Accompanied Charles to Charmouth, the party masquerading as a wedding group. Later accompanied Charles to Heale House. | |
27 | Henry Peters | Wyndham's servant | Acted as guide and courier on Charles' travels away from Trent Manor. | |
28 | Rhys Jones | Landlord at George Inn, Royalist | Recongised Charles and provided accomodation for one night when Cromwell's troops were close at hand. | |
29 | Robert Phelips | A Royalist Colonel during the Civil War. After the Restoration he was a Member of Parliament, and from 25 May 1687 until 21 March 1689 Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. | Helped Wilmot with his attempts to arrange a passage for Charles. His brother Edward was also involved. | |
30 | Sir John Coventry | ![]() | Royalist, son of Lord John Coventry, MP after the restoration | Helped arrange passage to Heale House and assist with leaving from Shoreham. |
31 | Mrs Katherine Hyde | ![]() | Widow of John Hyde, owner of Heale House | Provided Refuge for Charles for a week while the escape from Shoreham plan was developed |
32 | Lawrence Hyde | ![]() | Nephew of Mrs Hyde, owner of Hinton Daubnay House | Gave shelter to Lord Wilmot, helped develop plans. |
33 | Rev Dr Humphrey Henchman | ![]() | Canon of Salisbury Cathedral, friend of Mrs Katherine Hyde | Acted as go-between and messenger for the plotters. |
34 | Colonel George Gunter | Nephew-in-law to Mrs Katherine Hyde, Royalist Colonel | Made contact with Mansell re the passage from Shoreham, accompanied Charles part of the way from Heale House to Brighton. His brother Thomas was also involved. | |
35 | Francis Mancell | A French merchant | Contacted Tattesall | |
36 | Nicholas Tattersell | Owner and captain of the coal-brig, The Surprise | Agreed to take Charles to France from Shoreham. After re-negotiating the price, fulfilled the bargain. | |
37 | Mrs Ursula Symons | Sister of Thomas Gunter | Provided refuge for Charles in Hambledon for the night before he rode to Brighton. | |
38 | Richard Kemp | Shipmate on The Surprise. | Carried Charles ashore at Fécamp |